Letters I found on the internet

I try to include the original source.

Year Subject Source
1970 Letter to the Saturday Evening Review web.archive.org
1979 Letter to Jack Epstein web.archive.org
1996 Letter from Tony Gallagher's (federal defender) daughter s3.documentcloud.org (p. 63)
1996 Letter to Tony Gallagher's daughter? s3.documentcloud.org (p. 64)
1996 Letter to Judy Clarke explaining his
motivation for the bombings
s3.documentcloud.org (p. 1)
1996 Letter to his lawyers thanking them for their efforts s3.documentcloud.org (p. 3)
1996 Letter to π s3.documentcloud.org (p. 17)
1997 Letter to Judy Clarke - Evidence of "winding down" the operation s3.documentcloud.org (p. 7)
1997 Letter to his lawyers, explaining how he sees the chances getting out free s3.documentcloud.org (p. 11)
1997 Explaining, how his lawyers betrayed him s3.documentcloud.org (p. 21)
1998 Letter to his lawyers about trust s3.documentcloud.org (p. 32)
1998 TK to JZ (pages missing) s3.documentcloud.org (p. 38)
1998 Christmas letter to ? s3.documentcloud.org (p. 40)
1998 Christmas letter to Quin Denvir s3.documentcloud.org (p. 40)
1998 Christmas letter to ? s3.documentcloud.org (p. 41)
1998 Jensen to Kaczynski – April 1, 1998 web.archive.org
1998 Kaczynski to Jensen – April 11, 1998 web.archive.org
1998 Letter from Judy Clarke regarding Ted's reporting about his past life s3.documentcloud.org (p. 44)
1998 Jensen to Kaczynski – August 22, 1998 web.archive.org
1998 Kaczynski to Jensen – September 7, 1998 web.archive.org
1998 Jensen to Kaczynski – September 14, 1998 web.archive.org
1998 Jensen to Kaczynski – November 6, 1998 web.archive.org
1998 Kaczynski to Jensen – November 11, 1998 web.archive.org
? Kaczynski to Jensen – no date web.archive.org
1998 Christmas letter to "Mom" s3.documentcloud.org (p. 45)
? Letter from ? to Kaczynski s3.documentcloud.org (p. 46)
1998 Jensen to Kaczynski – December 14, 1998 web.archive.org
1998 Jensen to Kaczynski, December 21, 1998 web.archive.org
1998 Jensen to Kaczynski – December 29, 1998 web.archive.org
1999 Kaczynski to Jensen – February 5, 1999 web.archive.org
1999 Jensen to Kaczynski – February 9, 1999 web.archive.org
1999 Jensen to Kaczynski – March 28, 1999 web.archive.org
1999 Jensen to Kaczynski – June 9, 1999 web.archive.org
1999 Jensen to Kaczynski – August 2, 1999 web.archive.org
1999 Jensen to Kazynski – August 19, 1999 web.archive.org
1999 Jensen to Kaczynski – October 16, 1999 web.archive.org
1999 Jensen to Kaczynski – November 27, 1999 web.archive.org
1998 Christmas letter to ? s3.documentcloud.org (p. 47)
2000 Kaczynski to Jensen – January 10, 2000 web.archive.org
2000 Jensen to Kaczynski – February 13, 2000 web.archive.org
2000 Birthday letter from Quin Denvir s3.documentcloud.org (p. 42)
2000 Kaczynski to Jensen – October 8, 2000 web.archive.org
? Kaczynski to Jensen – No Date web.archive.org
2000 Jensen to Kaczynski – December 10, 2000 web.archive.org
2000 Judy Clarke to Kaczynski s3.documentcloud.org (p. 48)
2001 Birthday letter from Judy Clarke s3.documentcloud.org (p. 51)
2001 Post card from Judy Clarke s3.documentcloud.org (p. 53)
2001 Christmas letter from Judy Clarke s3.documentcloud.org (p. 57)
2002 Post card from Judy Clarke s3.documentcloud.org (p. 55)
2002 Christmas letter from Judy Clarke s3.documentcloud.org (p. 58)
2002 Letter to Marissa England (Judy Clarke's secretary) s3.documentcloud.org (p. 59)
2003 Letter to a Turkish anarchist web.archive.org
theanarchistlibrary.org [1]
2010 Ted Kaczynski to Michael James Carroll icollector.com [2]
2013 Letter from Mark Bowden regarding Judy Clarke s3.documentcloud.org (p. 60)
2013 Letter to Mark Bowden regarding Judy Clarke s3.documentcloud.org (p. 61)
? "Is math a worthwhile endeavor?" reddit.com
? Letter to an Anonymous German web.archive.org
? Ted Kaczynski to A.O. web.archive.org
? Ted Kaczynski to M.K. web.archive.org
2020 Ecofascism - An Aberrant Branch of Leftism web.archive.org
2022 "Ted Kaczynski has been diagnosed with cancer" twitter.com

[1] There are 2 versions: One including the letters sent by the turkish anarchist and one only including Ted's answer.

[2] The auction text: 11 April 2010 letter from Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, who writes his full name on the front of letter and signs, casually, ''Ted'' on verso. In the letter Kaczynski rebuffs the recipient for writing about personal details instead of focusing on resisting the cause. Letter, sent from prison, reads, in part: ''I don't correspond with people for fun or friendship. I correspond with them for the purpose of resisting the technoindustrial system and for that purpose alone...'' Two 8.5'' x 11'' pages, front and verso. Fine condition.

Last Update: Sunday, August 28, 2022